Friday, December 1, 2023

Technology in my society

 Blog 12

              My Relationship with Technology

     Technology  nowadays determines how in our life you are from society 's expectations and I started to consume minutes, hours and even almost a whole day in technology. I noticed  that I don't follow the stereotypical ideas and views  in life as others have shaped our society,

      We are the ones that determine  how technology  affects us  as a  society and individuals. The relationship with technology nowadays is stated from a young age, and for me I was no other exception. When I was around the age of 12 I remember being asked why don't you watch television and use  the computer  like the other kids. For me I have always preferred to be in nature playing outside. Not finding the attraction  that others had for the internet and the new technology that had risen. 

    Until I was  in middle school I was alway more lenient to the idea that technology consumes people's lives since I started to notice that kids  no longer liked to play outside. My mentality started to change as I was feeling behind in my surroundings and society.The poor  knowledge that I had on technology made me feel left out; and that was when I started to use and ask for a personal  phone and computer .

                                                        This contains an image of: Mental Health issues: Refinery 29

From a young age kids, teenagers   and even  adults are affected by what is shown  in the  technology of the present. On the internet we can see all over the midea comments and opinions which shape the perfect life, perfect  body, perfect family, and perfect action. I started to compare what I had and how I looked, drowning myself with the perfect image that in reality doesn't exist.

    But in reality there is no perfect thing as A perfect person in their perfect life, and with the public  self only shown in technology you can't tell if it's true what is shown on the screen.

    I dont think im accepted in the society, and I dont think im the perfect person, but I have fallen in the loop, of showing the best in the internet, being really careful of  not showing something that can  be taken out  of place in a sense  that  my opinion, and how  im view  by other create a wrong perspective of my true self.

When i was younger I wanted to follow all the trends on the internet, the propaganda I would say no longer works on mehow it used to. I have chosen  to be myself and do my best to  be myself and respect and show all my values. Technology has shown me how easily people follow things to not fall behind and  not be looked down upon often forgetting their true self..


    Not  only the effects of technology effect yourself but also your surroundings. I really think friends and family can also  be  affected by technology and the internet. Technology has been a  huge part of  family and friendships all around the  world have been reunited and clicked with each other again.

    Technology is Good but it depends on how it is used, and  sometimes technology can push families apart. Isolating ourself from family just because we. want to be on the phone, in reality being an-addiction

I believe that it can  lead relationships to either  get closer or fall apart.With the growth of media and apps trends and waves  of new  rules  created by users sometimes you start to compare yourself to others.

Example  of this in with the use of TikTok Instagram, being the apps must used  around the world.While  trend come  in different type of ways there are some  that reach a target demographic  which is focus o relationship build up because they can find a way to spend time together because of the technology. The other half that compare and take everything negative due to the constant comparing between themself with the others.

From diferrent types of content everything is keep in the technology web because of the

Footprint technology, allowing all data to identify the activity of the user in different places.

Story pin image

With this your personal online presence can be found in different ways. Being an Athlete, artist, teacher, university, brand can be  found within technology.For me I  can say I have an online presence.  I personally  don't  add to myself  in the Google but I can be find. Learn things and a perspective that people might have of me .Learning that I'm A student athlete, from Puerto Rico being an image of Sport in a way that, is all you see from me. And i really like it because I know in a future I will be able to keep some memories with me in technology even if the time pass

While sometimes I think I have a relationship with technology, the reality is that technology haves a relationship with me !

Friday, October 6, 2023

Age of A.I

 Blog 11

                                 Age Of AI

                                                     JASON SOLO

The politics Artificial Intelligence and the new tech war have advanced rapidly within years and the future is more and more at hand of the smart  technology operating, rather than people itself.

Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processed by machines.The word is being reimagined, from robots that pack groceries, read  reports, learn routines and comprehend are reaching deep into offices, stores, and factories.

 AI's influence on technology is due in part because of how it impacts computing. Through AI, computers have the ability to harness massive amounts of data and use their learned intelligence to make optimal decisions and discoveries in fractions of the time that it would take humans.

                                              This contains an image of: everydays - june 2018

This new wave of machines is damaging the economy: from insurance companies  to human research departments, to law firms to trading. With this change, studies show that the opportunities in this country and the inequality of opportunities in the likelihood that you  won't advance from where your parents were, is  a really absurd way to grow in Technology .

For national security this advance can protect critical- recognition technology. They show off cameras with A.I. can track cars, and identify individuals by face, or just by the way they walk, with the AI that can do different types of intelligence recognition of people.

Our privacy is all over exposed not only  in social media but all around the world because of something as simple as a camera. That has the technology so advance to know who you are based on just an action. 

We no longer have privacy in reality. And while the government said it is going to protect our private information; they  lack in fulfilling the protection of citizens. An example of this is  the selling of  people's information by the whale know app, Facebook. And the  government defends the users, but at the same time they are part of the keeping of information, to themself.


I really think technology can bring good opportunities to grow economically  in some ways. Establishing complete information, and reducing margins of error making the market outcome more predicted.

In the future I think our privacy is going to be less and less; with time if we don't do a change  in the way technology is forming  our world everything  is going to be affected with  the The Growth of Intelligence. We can have a great future, if we learn. to balance the power that technology  have ion our life.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

EOTO 2 Reaction

     Blog 10

                            EOTO Reaction

                                            Gate Keeping 

                            Influencers are called influencers because they HAVE an influence on ordinary people. If carefully chosen, they can take your brand on top. However, detailed investigation and extensive research of an influencer are mandatory before selecting any influencer. #influencermarkering

"One who tends to take guard" or a "personal controls access" This is GATEKEEPING and I got to learn about this term that I have heard before all around social media but I wasn't sure of its true meaning. 

This is when you like a product so much, maybe a drink, makeup, skincare products, even a brand in general that you feel like it has a personal meaning which you found it really important to keep to yourself.  

Social Media Nowadays is a place where you are vulnerable and open to the public eye, when you become part of the life of social media, your life tends to be exposed and this can be good and bad at the same time.This is when public figure and influencers try to hold back some information about themself and even things that they use on the daily.

This is when gatekeeping comes in hand to people that are influencers and public figures. In my perspective Gatekeeping allows the Influencer  have control in part of their life which is so reveal. 

I also learned about Propaganda ,and propaganda is the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person. You  can see the wave of propaganda on social media trying to convenience  the public of a certain product with marketing and  Advertisement using  persuasive techniques to try to convince people to buy their products.

 One example of propaganda Advertising  the use of fear tactics. Advertisers may try to convince people that they need a certain product in order to avoid a negative outcome.

I have learned the power of social media in today's society and how because of that words like Gatekeeping and the propaganda have raised the exposure that we have  in Media .


Friday, September 29, 2023


Blog 9                       

                         Citizen Journalism

                     News delivery now can start from your comfort, and it can be you!

 News and information by the public is known as citizen journalism. This has grown over the years with the ease of spreading and accessing information online. This is conducted by people who aren't professional journalists but disseminate information using the websites. Choosing their own style and their own way of spreading the news.

     Journalism produces reposts of news and information with different new qualities and values: 

Timeliness, proximity, nature, oddity, Human interest, conflicts, Impact, Helpfulness, Celebrities, and entertainment.


 Being a citizen of Journalism has its benefits and its negatives.  As a Citizen Journalists you are able to spread the information to locals and the world, giving you the opportunity to talk about issues that people might not be aware of, by doing this, you have a responsibility of spreading newsworthy information.

    Citizen journalism can focus on a specific topic and new qualities of their interest. With the growth on Social media through different platforms and the gaining of users,algorithm in social media can become an advantage for those already using your social media to raise awareness on the issues important to you or passions that you follow.

    Most Citizen Journalism that has built a big platform tends to focus on a target market on which they focus the most values and the qualities of the news that you can do can be broad, with celebrity or entertainment focusing on sports news, and it could even be gossip that's happening around celebrities, influencers, or musicians. But if you have other values as making sure and spreading awareness and letting people be aware of conflicts and impacts that are happening in proximity around the world, you could have the ability to do so too.

    Since Citizen journalism is based on online news, there could be much more interaction with the public, where you could do a journalist Poll, chats, questions, and promo with the viewer. 

    As a citizen journalist, you should be aware that everyone can access it whenever, wherever, so it's really important that your work is reliable. Have factual sources and be prepared to answer some doubts of the audience. By being in the public eyes, citizen journalism has provided an alternative to traditional news media, often filling gaps in coverage and offering perspectives not represented in mainstream reporting.

    The impact that Citizen journalism had created ‘‘There is a trend among study respondents that citizen journalism can undermine social and political control over media content. This is related to their belief that citizen journalism plays an important role in the fight for information accessibility and freedom of expression.’’

    I think in the future Citizen Journalism is going be a massive part of the future media industry; with the wave of users constantly growing with the technology in hand im my honest opinion, this could affect the point of view and perspective in the audience, with a huge impact in society.

    With the influence of trends on apps like Instagram, TikTok, an Twitter, people may start being a citizen journalists for fun and not as a profession. By this, the misinformation that could be circulating the internet could be big if not taken seriously.

That's why I encourage you to become a trustworthy citizen of journalism where not only you're an influence and opinion, but a journalist with value and structure. 

Monday, September 25, 2023

blog 8

 Blog 8

                   Privacy Within Technology


    Privacy & Technology - American Civil Liberties Union

 state that the government argues that the Fourth Amendment protects information that you keep on your desk but not information that you keep online, like old emails or pictures.

    Surveillance equipment, NSA-style mass surveillance, is enabling local police departments to gather vast quantities of density information in a way it wasn't before. The government can detail a detailed portrait of how private citizens interact with each other.

     Personally, I found that really impressive and concerning by the high quality of information they have of every single one of us. 

    Even with the plate of your car, police nowadays can know the date, time, location, where, and when you were with. The Federal Data Is collecting all the individual pots of data. 

    This made me wonder,  Where is the privacy of the public self? 


    Is a severe threat because of the abuse of the lack of privacy; someone can hack through your devices and no longer be a government-related threat, it becomes a closer proximity, which people could take advantage of. 

    With the telephone Industry growing, and phones from the beginning were monitored by wiretapping telephone users. In today's present, it is recorded and listened to daily; could it be the government of another country with the greater and smarter way to hack into your phone. Not too far someone that you just met could be a hacker, and you don't know it by the lack of awareness and the lack of information on how to protect yourself from others behind our phones and information. 

    While the private self-users want privacy, the government doesn't think the same. Using a cell tower dump, law enforcement can know the usage of multiple towers, with this, they know the location. The government believes all email, voice mail, call, and other should be monitored by the government.

     The only way we can protect surveillance is with Encryption with the protection of not allowing access to your information and decreasing the information being in on criminals, stalkers, and foreign intelligence agencies without knowing

    This affects my security and my personal privacy, and I really think there should be a law that protects everyone from the spread of information without consent. We need to fight for the private self and, work toward safer of using information.

blog 7

 Blog 7 

                          Diffusion Of Movies

The Movies started from a simple motion picture of a horse galloping to the big screen years later, after becoming an impactful moment for the society of the early 19th century. Movies were a long process in which slowly they became longer films and what are known today of Movie films in the industry.

The first motion movie also known as movies, was projected on a film camera and projector that could display moving images on a screen. This was a big time when the working class was the consumer on these movies. They were the early adaptors of the industry. Being able to see stories and be something with movement and action had an impact on the short film. Later on Movies started parts of viewer's life, leading others to see themselves as this, that is called so much attention to the public.

Later on, adopters were hit by the downside of television and the increase in the cost of watching movies. Later on, the timeline. Movies started to become more of a lecturing to see at home, which made later adaptors come into perspective.

Coming in today's era, the movie industry has made a huge hit in the movie industry which day by day is getting bigger and bigger. The Propaganda in the films seems to become more subtle every time there are movies that scream their belief and want the audience to follow them too or encourage them to.

This brings and holds the conflict in hand because while this brings a newer audience, it takes some out. Some big complicit in the movie industry right now is, being able to be inclusive while not being disrespectful. And while some parts of society are more liberal in 2023, there are others that are conservative.

My personal opinion is that the creation of movies has brought people closer, to others and maybe even closer to themself by relating to a character on screen. Another reason is Driving Economic Growth - Motion Picture Association impact that Movies and films have on the nation. I really believe that Movies are made for everyone. With different types of genres, it is up to you to enjoy and find the one that is made for you. 

Sunday, September 24, 2023

The Progressive Era, Marketplace

 Blog 6


                     The Progressive Era, Marketplace                                                       AntiWar

The propaganda of the Antiwar has been growing in silence for years, even If no one talks about it. With the power of media in today's present, people get influenced by what they see; If you notice the antiwar movement its not shown. Only you can find it if you do a big in-depth search.

The pick of the antiwar was right after the Vietnam War and the  involment of  U.S. actions on November 1955- 1975. The Vietnam War was a long, costly, and divisive conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. 

The report of what was happening on the other side of the war caused citizens to turn against the U.S. involvement in the war because of the destruction and deaths happening for power. While there was people that wanted the United States to stay in the war a huge number of citizen wanted to stop the  war, creating the antiwar movement.A movement campaign against entering or continuing a war. 

This creating a huge impact in todays society

When visiting the  American conservative page, you're able to find various of antiwar writers and one that took my eye was  '' Protecting the Chief Business of the the American People." Conversations about "trade" must encompass the national interest, broadly drawn, rather than a narrow set of economic parameters. Showing a policy marker and showing trade is not free. 

  “ “Trump’s Trade War Was a Loser said Phil Gramm and Donald J. Boudreaux. Then the next week, from Lighthizer, “In Defense of the Trump Trade Policy.” The same day, the Journal published former Senator Pat Toomey’s negative review of Lighthizer’s book.

But you never hear in the news all these things happening to protect the politics and protect their power of the country  much as they can, avoiding the search of different active war writers and voices that have the power to influence and drive people to become anti-warsitizens.

Technology in my society

 Blog 12               My Relationship with Technology        Technology  nowadays determines how in our life you are from society 's e...